Our Marketplace and Items for Sale

When you shop with NewEnglandFineLiving.com, you’re either shopping directly from us or from businesses and companies that are part of New England Fine Living’s network. Items for sale are either from our company inventory or from affiliate sites New England Fine Living belongs to and that may generate a commission if you purchase an item or items. 

Products posted for sale have been carefully curated by Linda Davis, Editor of New England Fine Living and are items that she feels exude the spirit of New England and its finer side.

About our friends, members, sponsors, and affiliates

New England Fine Living works with many creative and talented people and business owners, some of which have asked me to mention them here on New England Fine Living.

Some of our posts have compensated New England Fine Living for their time to produce photos or review a product, or for advertisement.  That said, New England Fine Living is selective of the brands or people we promote or share with our readers.